

100多年来, Alfred University has been involved in training bright young students to become effective officers in the United States 军队. Students from the University have gone on to serve in every conflict that the United Sates has been involved in from the Civil War to the Global War on Terrorism, 培养了500多名军人校友.

通过选择来非盟, you are choosing a unique path; one in which you will be exposed to diversity, 包容和社会正义. You are becoming a leader in an environment that thrives on providing opportunities to be a facilitator of positive social change. The 军队 参加后备役军官训练军团 program at Alfred University is part of the Seneca Battalion headquartered at nearby St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学.

军队 参加后备役军官训练军团 is an elective curriculum you take along with your required college classes. 它给你工具, training and experiences that will help you succeed in any competitive environment giving you an edge over your peers. 因为陆军后备军官训练队是选修课, you can participate in your first or second year of college without any obligation to join the 军队. You can have a traditional college student experience while also studying and training to be an officer.

Students who take courses in military science for at least two years and choose to contract during their time at the University will be commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States 军队 upon graduation. 毕业典礼后, graduates will have the unique opportunity to lead soldiers in many capacities serving our country as a commissioned officer in the Active 军队, 陆军国民警卫队或陆军预备队.

There are several 参加后备役军官训练军团 scholarships that a can be awarded to students who decide to make this commitment. 最重要的是,你必须想成为一个领导者. 参加后备役军官训练军团 can train and teach you how to be the best you can be; however, 只有你能提供成为军官的动力.

后备军官训练队的学员不像其他的大学生. 他们是属于体育的全日制学生, 俱乐部, 以及校园里的其他组织, 同时管理他们作为学员的时间. 不穿制服的时候,他们可以做住校助理, 参加学生会, 跑过田野, 或者开始一个新的俱乐部.

When the students are in uniform they transform into cadets who hold a high standard on professionalism, 完整性, 和尊重. As a cadet progresses through the 参加后备役军官训练军团 program, their responsibilities become greater and greater. They take a series of classes that build on the knowledge of today’s 军队 Officer. Classes are one hour a week where the cadets learn leadership and 军队 policy. 每周还有一个小时花在实验室里. Lab is the chance for the cadet to apply what is learned in the classroom to real life. 在实验期间,学员们进行仪式演练, 场策略, 身体健康, 土地导航, 和更多的. As the cadet rises through the ranks they use the leadership concepts learned to successfully lead the newer cadets. 像老年人, they will develop training plans for Lab and start being in the role of an officer with the help of instructors and their fellow peers.

In 1917, 皇冠体育app参加学生军训练团(SATC), 它是现在后备军官训练队的前身. SATC第一年有140名学员,第二年翻了一番,达到300名学员. 学员们住在校园里,遵守军队的规章制度, 但大学毕业后,我没有什么重大的承诺.

In 1943, the University took part in the 军队 Specialized Training Program (ASTP) until the end of World War II. The program was set up in order to speed up the time needed to train officers in the 军队. 通过做校园里的基本组成部分, 它提供的参军所需的训练更少.

皇冠体育app于1952年开始其校内后备军官训练队项目, 1956年,所有身体健康的男学生都必须参加. The University dropped the mandatory component in 1969 and women were allowed to participate starting in 1973. 这个项目蓬勃发展了很多年, 每年平均招收200名学员, 直到20世纪70年代入学人数开始减少.

When the 军队 closed the program in 1976, the University started a partnership with nearby St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学. 从那时起,所有艾尔弗雷德大学的学生都参加了圣. Bonaventure's program, commissioning as an officer upon graduation from Alfred University.

什么是预备役军官训练团. (参加后备役军官训练军团)?

后备军官训练团,后备军官训练团的简称., is a program of study leading to a presidential appointment as a second lieutenant in the United States Armed Forces.


军事 Science is the name of the academic department that provides 参加后备役军官训练军团 instruction at the University. 该计划包括一个特定的领导顺序, 管理, and professional knowledge classes as well as hands on leadership experience but is not a major or minor at the university.


参加后备役军官训练军团 can provide leadership and 管理 experiences, which will add more value to your resume. 它为你提供了雇主在求职者身上寻找的培训和价值观. It provides numerous opportunities for generous scholarships and academic credit toward graduation.


Contracted cadets earn a tax-free monthly stipend for up to 10 months each year (first year students $300, 二年级的350美元, 初中450美元, 老年人(500美元).


皇冠体育app的参加后备役军官训练军团奖学金是通过St. 博纳旺蒂尔的后备军官训练团. 他们支付全额学费和其他强制性费用. This is in addition to the monthly stipend listed above and a $1,200 annual book allowance. 纽约州, students receiving full tuition 参加后备役军官训练军团 scholarships are not eligible for NYS TAP per NYS regulations. 学生可以获得4年、3年或2年的奖学金.


There is no requirement to serve until you sign a contract in your third or fourth year. 一旦签订合同,你就有义务成为一名陆军军官. 你可以在现役陆军、预备役陆军或国民警卫队服役.


军官领导士兵,是管理者, 问题解决者, 当兵时领导的关键影响者和规划者, 遵循, 执行长官的命令. 他们共同贡献了领导士兵所需的知识和经验.




是的. Some classes can be selected to count as electives towards Alfred University’s 领导 minor and the Lab portion will fulfill any Physical 健康 and 健康 requirement.

Jeffrey Beshears, St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学后备军官训练队

美国陆军一级军士.S. 军队
办公室电话: 716-375-2566


Luckie, John E.
办公电话; 716-375-2565

美国军士长.S. 军队
校园手机: 716-375-2508

詹姆斯·沃尔顿. 博纳旺蒂尔军事科学

美国陆军文职和上士部.S. 军(退休)
电话: 716-375-2508


  • MS-101公务员基础
  • MS-102基本领导力
  • MS-201个人领导力研究
  • 女士- 202领导 & 团队合作
  • MS-301领导/解决问题
  • MS-302领导与道德
  • 女士- 401领导 & 管理
  • ——402年军官女士
  • MS-499独立研究-军事科学