Analytical Testing Capabilities

The CACT作业者 is pleased to provide analytic testing services to the general public. Various ceramic, glass and kiln firing test services are available.

1. Bulk properties (Max. 5 samples per compositions)
I.  ASTM方法 $675.00
II. 真空法 $675.00
2. Differential Thermal Analysis Air Atmosphere $300.00
(All atmospheres, including vacuum up to 1500C
3. TGA/DTA or TGA/DSC in air $500.00
TGA/DTA or TGA/DSC in inert gas $525.00
TGA/DTA or TGA/DSC with MS in inert gas $1,100.00
4. Thermal Expansion (up to 1000C) $570.00
Thermal Expansion (up to 1400C) $750.00
5. Differential Scanning Calorimetry 根据要求
6. Chemical Analysis $50.00 /元素
10. Pore Size/Surface Area/Density
I.  ASAP 2010 C (Micrometritics)
a) Complete Analysis $350.00
II. Mercury Porosimeter Autopore 9220 (Micromeritics)
a) Complete Analysis $500.00
IV. Multivolume Pycnometer 1305 (Micromeritics) $100.00
12. 机械试验
(Sample preparation is an extra fee; prior consultation with respect to size and shape of specimens,
surface finish, and number of specimens is strongly recommended)
I.  音阶E和G $630.00
II.  Compressive Strength $680.00
3. Flexure Strength (4-Pt. 和3分) $750.00 对于10个样本.
IV. Uniaxial Tensile Strength $680.00 对于10个样本.
V. High-Temperature Flexure Strength (4-pt and 3-pt) $1000.00/Set up, price per sample on request
VI. Hardness Measurement (Vickers or Knoop) $450.00 对于10个样本.
7. Fracture Toughness by other methods 根据要求
8. Recording Microindentation Analysis (Microhardness; surface elastic modulus) $250.00/Set up; $20.00 /试验
Impact and Chipping $680.00
13. 电al Tests (Function of Temperature)
I. 交流阻抗 $500.00
II. 直流电阻率 $500.00
3. Resistivity (4 probe) 根据要求
膨胀计 $470.00
14. Eirich Mixer (use per day/8 hours) $1,300.00 每8小时一天
15. Deairing Extruder (use per day/8 hours) $1,500.00 每8小时一天
16. Spray Drying (use per day/8 hours) $1,100.00 每8小时一天
19. P.C.E. $300.00
20. Powder Density via Glass Pycnometry (Nitrogen or Helium) $350.00
23. Particle Size Sedigraph $460.00
28. Surface Area BET $570.00 我们可以做0.3 micron to 100 micron range
29. Rheology via research rheometer  $1,700.00
30. Brookfield Viscosity $1,100.00
32. X-Ray Powder Diffraction (Qualitative) $525.00
(Room temperature up to 1500C) $2,500.00 per run (4 Run minimum)
QXRD (Quantitative) $1,200.00
Semi-Quantitative (For Phase Analysis) $850.00
33. X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis $300.00
34. 热压: 马克斯. temperature of the 12 x 12 x 10” furnace is 1550°C
I.  Identification of most effective temperature and pressure $2,000.00
II. Fabrication of sample for other testing $2,000.00
35. 气体 Isostatic Hot Pressing $2,000.00
36. Electron Microscope
I.  SEM/EDS analysis $450.00 每一个样品
II. High temperature SEM up to 1400C $1,100.00 每小时
3. 样品准备 $100.00 每一个样品
37. Transmission Electron Microscopy
I. TEM分析 $500.00
II. 样品准备 $100.00 每一个样品
光谱学 $50.00 每一个样品
38. EXPS, (ESCA) (use per day/8hours) $1,700.00 Per Day (8 hours)
I. 样品准备 $100.00 每一个样品
40. Surface Profiling using Zygo (interferometer $225.00
ASTM C848 for Elastic Modulus.  $500/one set of 10 specimens Recommended sample size is ¾” (dia) x 1/8” (height) disks
金相 $350.00
1. Thermal Expansion up to Dilatometric Softening Point(Includes determination of the DSP) $400.00
2. Thermal Expansion up to 1000 oC (Glass-Ceramics) $570.00
3. Viscosity to 1600 C $1,100.00
4. Littleton Softening Point (viscosity = 107.6 风度(106.6 Pa-s) $350.00
4a. Include extrapolated Annealing and Strain Points by Beam Bender $600.00
5. Optical Transmission $275.00
6. Stress Determination $300.00
7. Special Melting (Materials supplied by customer) $450.00
8. Softening Point by Fiber Elongation $300.00
9. Hot Stage Microscopy $600.00
10. DSC高达700 C for determination of Glass Transition Range. $400.00
11. DSC高达700 oC for determination of Heat Capacity + Glass Transition Range $600.00
12. Fiber Elongation Test Check Availability
Other Capabilities
类型 马克斯临时 $450.00
2200 C $1,200.00
1750C $900.00
1550C $760.00
1300 C $600.00
气体 2000 + C $1,200.00
1650 C $900.00
1200 C $600.00
Kiln Firings (20 hours max)
28' Roller Hearth $2,000.00 Per Day (8 hours)
Cold Isostatic Pressing (15" dia x 38' height chamber, 20,000psi) $350.00 Per Day (8 hours)
Cold Isostatic Pressing (6" dia x 12' height chamber, 30,000psi) $125.00 Per Day (8 hours)
Spark Plasma Sintering $100.00/Set up; $275.00 /样本
拉曼 $220.00 /样本
AFM $250.00
EBSD $800.00