
Half of the students (48%) reported being subjected to activities that are considered hazing. Based on this percent as the best estimate available, we project more than 1.5 million high school students in the United States are being subjected to some form of hazing each year.

Percent of Students Subjected to Various Types of 被欺侮
提升Rites-Inclusive %
任何形式的欺侮 48
耻辱被欺侮 43
潜在的非法欺侮 29
滥用药物欺侮 23
危险被欺侮 22

Nearly all students who were hazed were subjected to humiliation (43% of the total). Distinguishing what is embarrassing to a teenager from what is humiliation targeted toward specific individuals is a task teenagers struggle to learn. Of the students subjected to humiliating hazing, just under half (19%) were subjected to only humiliating behaviors, while just over half (24%) were also expected to engage in substance abuse or other dangerous acts.

When substance abuse and other dangerous behaviors are combined, nearly a third (29%) of all students were expected to engage in potentially illegal acts as p艺术 of an initiation. Twenty-one percent were expected to engage in substance abuse as a form of initiation. Seven percent were engaged in only substance abuse, 但没有其他危险的欺侮, while 16% of all students were also engaged in other dangerous hazing activities. Twenty-two percent of all students were subjected to dangerous hazing beyond substance abuse.

除了, 13 percent of the students reported that they did not join a group because they were afraid of being hazed (10%), left a group because of the hazing (7%) or both. Struggling to learn socially appropriate and constructive ways to bond and form social identities is a challenge for all high school students. Being ostracized and isolated makes being a teenager even more difficult.

Most high school students did not perceive even the most dangerous initiation activities as hazing. Only 15 percent of the students said that they thought they were hazed in high school, but twice that many reported abusing substances or committing dangerous acts as p艺术 of their initiation. Even though high school students' self-report of hazing is substantially lower than the actual behaviors reported, a total of 29 percent said they had been hazed (15%), 目睹欺侮(18%), and/or left a group because of the hazing (7%).

美国各地, the greatest number of high school students were subjected to hazing for sports (24%), 同辈团体或帮派(16%), 音乐, 艺术, 或剧院(8%), 或者去教堂(7%). 对于所有其他类型的组, 5 percent or less of all students reported being hazed (estimated at <170,每组000). By far the greatest number of high school students were hazed for athletics. Sixty-seven percent of the high school students reported being involved in athletics, and 35 percent of them reported being subjected to some form of hazing; this constitutes 24 percent of all students or approximately 800,每年有672名高中运动员.

Percent of Students Hazed to Join Specific 组织
集团 % 估计#
体育团队 24 800,672
同侪团体或团体 16 558,767
音乐、艺术、戏剧团体 8 286,189
教会组织 7 235,091

To understand hazing by organization it is important to look at two factors: the number of students who join an organization, and the percent of students who are hazed to join that organization. 例如, only 7 percent of the total population reported being hazed to join a church group yet, because a large number belong to a church group, 这7%代表235,091个孩子. 虽然职业团体, 啦啦队, and fraternities all hazed a larger percent of new members than church groups, many more students were involved in church groups (29% of the total population) than the other groups (8%, 15%, 分别为6%). That means that the number of students hazed to join a church group is greater than the number of students hazed to join vocational groups, 拉拉队或兄弟会. Scholastic groups involve a great many students, 然而,, the percent of members subjected to hazing was extremely low. Oddly though, when scholastic groups do haze, they tend toward dangerous hazing activities.

A large number of students were involved in sports, 音乐, and church groups so even a modest percent of these groups adds up to a large number of students being hazed. Only 22 percent of high school students belong to gangs, but a high percentage (73%) of gang members are hazed.

Students Involved in Specific Types of 组织
集团 %
体育团队 67
音乐、艺术、戏剧团体 39
学术/知识俱乐部 30
教会组织 29
社交俱乐部或组织 25
同侪团体或团体 22
啦啦队运动 15
报纸或年鉴 12
政治或社会团体 10
职业教育集团 8
兄弟会或姐妹会 6

The organizations that hazed the greatest percentage of their members were fraternities, 联谊会, 同辈群体, 和帮派:

  • More than one-third of the new players for sports and cheerleading were hazed. Vocational and church groups hazed about a qu艺术er of their new members.
Percent of Students Hazed to Join Specific 组织
集团 %
兄弟会或姐妹会 76
同侪团体或团体 73
体育团队 35
啦啦队运动 34
职业教育集团 27
教会组织 24
音乐、艺术、戏剧团体 22
政治或社会团体 21
社交俱乐部或组织 21
报纸或年鉴 17
学术/知识俱乐部 12