
"But we need books that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. That is my belief."

- Franz Kafka


  • PhD: 历史 of Art, Boston University
  • MA: 历史 of Art, Boston University
  • BA: Anthropology/Practice of Art, University of California

Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • 现代和当代雕塑艺术史工艺历史,特别是在玻璃和陶瓷


I am a professor of art history with a focus on modern and contemporary sculpture; I teach at the School of Art and Design, Alfred University. Over the past decade, 我扩大了我的教学兴趣,包括玻璃和陶瓷艺术的特定领域,以及在工艺实践中更广泛的话语. 我目前开设的课程包括:“二氧化硅:当代玻璃与陶瓷艺术”,” “In, Of, and Around Contemporary Craft.” I have 最近 developed a series of asynchronous, 强调当代专业工作室实践的在线课程.

My classroom advocacy for contemporary sculpture, 工艺, 手工艺实践已经延伸到我的研究和专业活动中. 我的节略简历(见下文)突出了一些关于陶瓷(和陶瓷)展览目录的文章, 最近, 在玻璃), 我的口述历史是为史密森尼博物馆的莱特曼美国工艺文献项目进行的, my ongoing editorial advising for the international, scholarly journal entitled Interpreting Ceramics, 以及我担任第一届大学艺术协会(CAA)当代陶瓷小组的主席.

我与主流批判框架之外的材料——玻璃和陶瓷——的接触,是我重新思考和修订现代艺术史的一个关键因素. I seek to broaden the critical boundaries of these areas. 我的讲座旨在激发玻璃和陶瓷社区对他们所接受的历史的质疑,并扩大他们对当代艺术生产的参考.

Courses Taught

  • 2021年春季当代艺术项目在工作室:现当代绘画

研究, 出版物, & Presentations

研究 & 出版物

  • 我目前的研究是一本关于现代艺术的书,重点是物质性. I am also engaged in an ongoing series of essays on aspects of contemporary art; a particular interest of mine is recent sculptural practices including glass and ceramic work.
  • “一百年后:20世纪20年代玻璃艺术与当代实践的相关性”," in Jeffrey Sarmiento, ed. 2020
  • "Writing Glass 历史" for the 2019 Robert M. Minkoff Foundation学术研讨会:“玻璃教育学的问题:批评”, 批判, and Critical Thinking,” in Brooklyn, NY. 2019
  • “Encountering Sculpture in the Digital Age” at the panel, 塑造形式与塑造空间:雕塑的21世纪挑战, International Sculpture Conference (ISC) in Portland, 俄勒冈州. 2019
  • “莫里斯·马里诺和‘真正美丽事物的重要性’”,《新皇冠体育最新版本》,no. 156 (Fall 2019).
  • “Kait Rhoads:灵感来自自然,信息来自记忆”,新玻璃:新玻璃艺术和建筑, 2/2019 (May 2019).
  • Editor, Bioresonance: The Sculptural Work of Kait Rhoads. Hasselt, Belgium: Shiepers Gallery. 2019
  • 《新皇冠体育最新版本》,载《新皇冠体育最新版本》主编. Beyond Reflection: The Art of Li Hongwei. Syracuse, NY: SUNY UP. 2019
  • “Critical Discourse, Professional Practice,” for Issues in Glass Pedagogy: Curriculum and Career, the 2017 Robert M. Minkoff基金会学术研讨会在布鲁克林的UrbanGlass, New York from October 12-14.
  • "Summoning Eternal Life: The Work of Hong Wei", 2015
  • “反思:玻璃的合作实践”,《新皇冠体育最新版本》季刊,140 (2015):64,2015
  • 蔡斯·安吉尔的《当空气在你身后移动. Alfred, NY: Fosdick-Nelson Gallery. 2013“无形缺口,天井瀑布,和地球云:建筑浮雕,在彼得举行,编辑. Wayne Higby: A Retrospective. Tempe, AZ: Ceramic 研究 Center, 2015
  • "Visualizing Mortality: Robert Arneson's Chemo Portraits," in Interpreting Ceramics, The First Decade. Ed. by Jo Dahn and Jeffrey Jones. United Kingdom: Wunderkammer Press, 2013
  • Gage/Gaze: Aesa Bjork and Hiromi Takazawa. Alfred, NY: Fosdick-Nelson Gallery, 2013
  • “当代铸铁雕塑:在重新定义之后”2012年国际美国/英国铸铁邀请赛. 2012
  • “回顾:曼·雷和现代主义镜头”,达达/超现实主义,2012
  • "SkyWell Falls" in Wayne Higby, SkyWell Falls, 2011
  • 作者, ”介绍,,并担任《解读陶瓷12》杂志的编辑,内容涉及陶瓷工作室教育的国际发展, 2011年冬
  • "好奇和好奇,Nathan Prouty的作品" Nathan Prouty. Philadelphia: The Clay Studio, 2010
  • 沃尔特·麦康奈尔《皇冠体育app》中的“一切,被包裹,被编码”. Missouri: Daum Museum, 2008
  • 作者 of the introductory essay, “欢迎," and issue editor, "Five Emerging Artists Survey the Field," in Interpreting Ceramics 9, 2008年冬
  • 作者, “反射, EarthCloud" and editor, "Architect and Editor, 《皇冠体育app》中的布鲁斯·伍德和韦恩·希格比的对话, EarthCloud. Stuttgart, Germany:Arnoldsche Fine Art Publishing, 2007
  • “重新考虑陶瓷物体”,《皇冠体育app》,纽约视觉艺术学院,2007年
  • “可视化死亡:罗伯特·阿内森的化疗肖像”,载于《新皇冠体育最新版本》2006年秋季第8期
  • 《新皇冠体育最新版本》,刊于《皇冠体育app》. Stuttgart, Germany: Arnoldsche Art Publishing, 2006
  • "Interview with Anne Currier.纳内特·L. Laitman Project for Craft and Decorative 艺术 in America, the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 2006
  • "Interview with Wayne Higby.纳内特·L. Laitman Project for Craft and Decorative 艺术 in America, the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 2006
  • 讲述历史:艾伦·罗森伯格和嘉莉·梅·威姆斯的装置作品. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1999
  • “阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂,变了个变”,基思·阿斯普利和伊丽莎白·考林主编. 从罗丹到贾科梅蒂,《皇冠体育app》. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi B.V. 1998 "Anne Currier, Recent Sculpture," in Kerameiki Techni, 国际陶艺评论30(1998年12月):20-2., 1999
  • Ellsworth Kelly, Recent Prints. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1998
  • Philip Guston, 1975-1980: Private and Public Battles. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1994
  • 普罗温斯敦的前景:汉斯·霍夫曼和他的学生的工作. Boston: Boston University Art Gallery, 1994

从属关系 & 会员资格

  • 美国博物馆联盟,美国女大学生协会, 美国


我通过AAUW(美国大学女性协会)为那些认为自己是女性的学生提供薪资谈判研讨会. I also advise students for Fulbright fellowships. 此外,我还和工作室的同事们一起教授了几门跨学科的合作课程.

我的课外爱好:划船、绘画、阅读...and just hanging out with a real good espresso.

Professional Experience

1997 - Professor of 艺术历史, School of Art and Design, New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University
1996 - Independent Curator
1994-95 Director, Boston University Art Gallery
1992-94 Assistant Director, Boston University Art Gallery

Chair, 艺术历史 Division (SoAD) 
Chair and Program Advisor, Fulbright Committee (AU)
Member, 教师 Senate (AU)
Member, Phi Beta Kappa Chapter (AU)
Member, 研究生 Advisory Committee (SoAD) 

教师/工作人员 目录

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