
纽约州立大学校长约翰·金回到阿尔弗雷德身边 University as part of 64-campus tour

纽约州立大学校长约翰. 小国王. returned to Alfred University on Friday afternoon, 4月 12, during his tour of the SUNY system. King also spent time in Alfred last spring as part of his visits to SUNY’s 64 institutions.

金会见了皇冠体育app的管理人员, 包括马克·祖潘, 总统, 贝丝·安·多比, 教务长兼首席运营官, Gabrielle gastad ' 04, dean of the Inamori School of Engineering and vice 总统 of Statutory Affairs, 劳伦湖, dean of the School of Art and Design and Performing 艺术 Division, 和布莱恩·沙利文, 图书馆院长. He toured facilities in the School of Art and Design and Performing 艺术 Division, 工程学院, 和斯科尔斯图书馆, which are part of the New York State College of Ceramics.

Gaustad talked about a joint project between Alfred University and the U.S. Army 研究 Lab to research forming and characterization of ultra-high temperature ceramic (UHTC) materials. 该项目得到了13美元的资助.5 million in federal funding and focuses on conducting high temperature characterization of UHTC materials used in defense systems to improve performance. Scott Misture, 1990年,博士.D. ‘95, Inamori教授, 材料科学与工程, 担任本研究的首席研究员, much of which will be conducted in the Center for High Temperature Characterization (CHTC) at Alfred University.

Gaustad also discussed funding from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to support research into glass recycling initiatives. Among the projects included in that grant program are research into developing concrete strengthened with waste glass—which would significantly decrease the carbon footprint of concrete—and creating new ways to wash wine bottles to make them suitable for reuse, which would dramatically decrease the amount of glass waste going into landfills.

King heard about the National Casting Center foundry which will be located in the University’s former heating plant. 该设施, funded with a combination of philanthropy—a $6 million gift from University Trustee Michele Cohen and her husband, 马丁- 8美元.得到纽约州立大学建设基金300万美元的支持. 一旦完成, the foundry will facilitate a number of art/engineering academic and co-curricular intersections, including programs focused on metallurgy and refractories and a number of student clubs (blacksmithing, 锻造, 他们中间也有锻剑的。).

在开场讨论之后, Gaustad and Lake led King on tours of the Inamori School of Engineering and School of Art and Design and Performing 艺术 Division, 马丁·路德·金会见教职员工和学生的地方. 沙利文带领金参观了斯科尔斯图书馆, where the chancellor met several members of the library staff and spoke with students in the library’s Special Collections. 在访问期间, 金与学生交流, 讨论他们是如何来到皇冠体育app的, 他们的学术追求, 以及他们的长期计划.

The tour of 工程学院 included a stop at the Ceramic 研究, 教育科技企业(CREATE)中心, located on the first floor of the McMahon Engineering Building. CREATE中心,由7美元支持.75 million grant from the State University of New York, 由纽约州立大学建设基金管理, houses a research facility focusing on the development of novel materials and scalable processes in the areas of additive manufacturing/3-D printing, 高温处理, 陶瓷加工/精加工.

在CREATE中心参观期间, 金观看了3d打印设备的演示, used by students in both the art and engineering schools. The chancellor heard from junior ceramic engineering major Jane Heffernan and senior art student Ben Deutsch about how additive manufacturing is utilized in their research and creative endeavors. 金还见到了艾琳·贝里, a Master of Fine 艺术 student; Chao Liu, who is pursuing a doctoral degree in 材料科学与工程; and Erin Taylor, 数字设计和制造技术人员.

纽约州立大学校长约翰. 小国王. (right) talks with junior ceramic engineering major Jane Heffernan during King’s tour of the Inamori School of Engineering additive manufacturing labs.

King toured the X-Ray Refraction (XRD) Labs in McMahon, where Misture discussed the ARL-funded high temperature ceramic project and research into battery development. 与金交谈的学生中有奥利维亚·吉尔伯特, a senior 材料科学与工程 major and one of the University’s two 2024 SUNY Chancellors Award for Student Excellence recipients.

他还遇到了库珀·霍华德, PhD student in 材料科学与工程; Molly Shibitov, a junior ceramic engineering major who is a full-time employee of Corning Incorporated; Yuxuan Sun, a ceramic engineering PhD candidate; Iva Milisavljevic, a post-doctoral researcher; and Allyson 坎贝尔, 材料科学与工程专业大三学生. 坎贝尔, 阿尔弗雷德本地人, 从罗格斯大学转到皇冠体育app, 她在哪里学习化学工程.

King spent time in Scholes Library’s Special Collections room, where he talked with student workers from a variety of academic backgrounds, 包括祖莱卡·优素福, a theater and global studies major; Jordan Annlee, 玻璃工程专业毕业, 维多利亚·Vice, 艺术专业, both of whom are Herrick Library Public Services student worker; and Gio Kane, an art student who works in the Scholes Library archives.

财政大臣在哈德厅结束了他的访问, where he met Chelsea McMaster and discussed her upcoming MFA exhibition, 《皇冠体育app》.他还与高年级学生艾米莉亚·多南伯格·史密斯进行了交谈, 物理和艺术双学位, 谁在准备她的毕业论文展览. Smith is Alfred University’s other 2024 SUNY Chancellors Award for Student Excellence honoree and is a 2024 Marlin Miller Outstanding Senior Award winner.